Notes & Tips to Self
Custom Error Logging and Tracing
Creating custom logger with Winston
Published - 10 February 2021
logger NodeJS winston
Lambdas with Serverless Framework
Creating APIs with AWS Lambdas and Serverless Framework
Published - 17 October 2020
serverless NodeJS APIs AWS Lambda
React Testing Library - part 2
Unit testing with side effects (api calls)
Published - 01 September 2020
unit testing react testing library react jest
React Testing Library (RTL)
Unit testing react components with RTL & Jest
Published - 03 August 2020
unit testing react testing library react jest
Creating Mocks for an AWS Service
Mock functions for any AWS service to be used in unit tests
Published - 19 July 2020
AWS mocks unit testing jest
Passing Props from HOC to Children
Passing props to children of a Higher Order component in React
Published - 22 June 2020
React HOC Clone Element Context API
Running FFmpeg on Lambda
Using Lambda Layers to run video processing pipeline
Published - 12 May 2020
FFmpeg AWS Lambda Video Processing
Auto Scaling Groups & CI/CD
Deploy NodeJS API server on EC2 using Auto Scaling Groups
Published - 10 April 2020
circleCI CI/CD deployment Codedeploy EC2 auto scaling groups
Docker Series - Part 4 - CI/CD
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment with CircleCI & Docker
Published - 04 April 2020
docker CI/CD deployment circleCI AWS S3
Docker Series - Part 3
Docker Compose for building and running containers from Docker configurations
Published - 02 April 2020
docker Docker Compose containers configuration files
Docker Series - Part 2
Creating and using Dockerfile to create custom images
Published - 01 April 2020
docker containers devops dockerfile docker hub images
Docker Series - Part 1
Basics of Docker and manipulating docker containers & Images
Published - 25 March 2020
docker containers devops images docker hub
Intersection Observer Web API
How to detect a DOM element's visibility in relation to other elements or the viewport
Published - 16 February 2020
intersection observer browser infinite scrolling sticky headers
Interceptors in Axios
How to use request and response Interceptors in Axios to make cool things happen with ease
Published - 26 January 2020
axios http calls asynchronous interceptors error handling
Array of Objects - No Duplicates
Explanation of different ways to remove duplicates from an Array of objects
Published - 15 January 2020
remove duplicates javascript arrays objects Sets
Mocking asynchronous functions with Jest
An overview of how to unit test asynchronous functions and AJAX calls with Jest
Published - 29 December 2019
jest javascript asynchronous unit testing
React Pose for easy and amazing animations
A quick quide to using Pose animation library with React and producing beautiful UI animations
Published - 27 November 2019
react pose animation javascript react-pose